Compilateur gratuit gérant entièrement les composants PIC18, PIC16, PIC12 et PIC10
Philippe Paternotte, le créateur du compilateur PIC Micro Pascal, a choisi la date symbolique du 25 décembre 2016 pour annoncer la sortie de la nouvelle version 2.1.2.
De nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été ajoutées au langage, au compilateur et à l'environnement de développement :
- Fix Compiler V2.1.1 - D := D SHR <constant> statement caused internal error.
- Fix Compiler V2.1.0 - GOTO statement caused internal error and bad compiler message.
- Add Compiler Hot: Dynamic records may have properties.
- Add Compiler Hot: Pascal SET support.
- Add Compiler Hot: 64-bit integers. Just for fun...
- Add Compiler Hot: Procedure & functions parameters may have default values.
- Add Compiler Hot: New built-in function RANDOM() and built-in procedure RANDOMIZE.
- Add Compiler Better code generation and optimizations (see the project's options).
- Add IDE & Compiler Processors database update: With MPLAB-X V3.40 files, added support for latest processors.
- Add IDE Import / export of user tools configuration.
- Add IDE Automatic updates check functionality.
- Add IDE A new editor feature to change an identifier case; also a new search & replace of mixed case to uppercase and underscore, and vice versa. For easy management of constants.
- Add IDE & Compiler New project's option: Enable or disable the automatic propagation of directives to the related default options, along with a new directive to do that by code: $AUTODEFAULTS.
- Add Compiler New syntax for absolute variables that permits to locate a variable at an array or string specific position.
- Change Compiler INCLUDE and EXCLUDE built-in procedures now applicable to VAR parameters and dereferenced pointer variables. Also the item number may be dynamic.
- Add Compiler New extended syntax for simplified ARRAY declaration.
- Change IDE & Compiler A new project option was added which allows disabling the automatic propagation of directives to the default project's options during compilation. Also conditional defaults are now propagated correctly (unchecked) when $UNDEFINE directive is used.
- Add IDE New directive $TODO which generates items in the code tree. More on this later.
- Add IDE Editor: Help on identifier my mouse hovering.
- Add IDE Pseudo-XML embedded documentation management, with mouse-hovering info bubbles.
- Add IDE New tool: Text LCD character generator visual builder.
- Change IDE PMP is now always installed "for all users". To normalize PMP against new post-XP rules, the PMP's dynamic data files are stored in "Program data" folder, the "Examples" are now placed in the "Shared documents" folder -> Pic Micro Pascal (as new projects), but with a sub-folder that is version-dependent (VX.Y.Z). The "ExamplesCommon" sub-folder has been detached and is now renamed "Libraries". It should be transparent for users: automatic translation of old projects paths is made by PMP.

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