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Sortie de la version 3.4 de MIDlet Pascal open source
Compilateur Pascal pour mobiles

Le , par Alcatîz


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Nouvelle version 3.4 pour MIDlet Pascal
Environnement de développement d'applications pour mobiles

MIDlet Pascal est un environnement de développement dédié au développement d'applications pour mobiles. Il tourne de façon autonome sous Windows - et sous Linux ou MacOS à l'aide de wine.
Le compilateur traduit le source Pascal en bytecode Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). Les programmes peuvent alors être exécutés sur n'importe quel mobile équipé de Java et sur des émulateurs J2ME.

MIDlet Pascal 3.4 est à présent en version finale.

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Avatar de krachik
Expert confirmé
Le 03/07/2011 à 14:53
Et voilà la petite liste d'ajouts/changements et autres
Avec des évolutions toujours louables
. Added Open Libs Folder in Project\Open Folder menu.
. Now a no-longer-existent project from the recents can be renamed or deleted when trying to open it.
. Added Side Bar.
. Added Environment Variables edition via Settings\Set Environment Variables... menu. Useful when setting up emulators.
. Added the Apply button to the Code Editor Styles edition dialog.
. Defined the MIDLETPASCAL34 conditional.

. Updated to last version of UPX (3.07).
. Enabled the NeverSleepOnThreadContention flag of FastMM (4.97).
. Added depedency to IcoJoy's Free Icons (
. Fixed a little bug in menu refresh on skin selection.
. Now the Code Editor Styles dialog is resizable and has the current style selected by default.


. Added Project Library Directory support. This allows you to add Libs locally, relative to the project, instead of adding them in the Global Libs directory. Useful when you have many versions of the same library for different projects (ex. for Internationalization purposes) and also for an easier backup process.
. Updated the bytecode parser to the implementation of Artem's MPC.011.SIMPLE.
. Added bytecode keyword support. Now you can start inlining a block of bytecode without "inline()" but using a "bytecode/end" approach like in Delphi or FreePascal you use "asm/end".
. Added ushr/>>> shift operator support. Useful for unsigned values.


. Now the extracted strings are being distributed to make it easy for you to translate them to your language.
. If you translate them to a new language let me know and I will put your translation into the distribution.
. The translation work will start after the BETA process of each version since strings are added all the time in the development process.
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Avatar de krachik
Expert confirmé
Le 21/08/2011 à 22:26
Et une version BETA sortie

. Added Quick Help Panel accesible under View\Quick Help Panel and via the shortcut Shift+F1. If visible, there will be loaded the Help On Keyword (Ctrl+F1) invokation result.

. Switched dependency from Qz Html Controls to Html Viewer.
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Avatar de Alcatîz
Responsable Pascal, Lazarus et Assembleur
Le 11/11/2011 à 10:43
La version finale est en ligne :
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