Sortie de la version 3.0 de l'IDE multiplateforme basé sur Free Pascal et Lazarus

CodeTyphon Studio est un environnement de développement visuel complet, pouvant être installé sur huit plateformes différentes et pouvant compiler pour plus de 20 plateformes (!). Il est basé sur le compilateur Free Pascal ainsi que sur Lazarus, qui sont automatiquement installés :

La version 3.00 vient de sortir :
======> 17-Noe-2012 ver 3.00 ===========================================
Note1: Cross build procedure for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris is "stable" now
-Restructure "root" makefile of FreePascal packages
-Add FreePascal "fcl-sdo" and "libvlc" packages to all Host OSes
-Move some CT Center internal tools to Big-IDE as external install-time building tools (with source)
-Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.5.50 SVN 23-10-2012
-Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.5.50 SVN 23-10-2012
-FIX: Big-IDE DirectX problems on winXP (update pl_Win_DirectX, pl_AsphyreSphinx, pl_ORCA)
-Add "jvm-java" Cross Element support for all Host OSes (*** Experimental ***)
-Add "jvm-Android" Cross Element support for all Host OSes (*** Experimental ***)
-Add "arm-Android" Cross Element support and for UNIX OSes (*** Experimental ***)
-ADD: pl_LazPackager.lpk to IDE for linux 32/64 (*** Experimental ***)
-ADD: pl_DWScript.lpk to IDE for all Host OSes (*** Experimental ***)
-Update pl_nxPascal Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_BGRAbitmap Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_BGRAControls Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_lclextensions Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_Indycomp Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_Castle Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_UIB Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_lclextensions Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_GLScene Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_Synapse Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_Graphics32 Source (SVN 16-11-2012) and CodeOcean Samples
-Update pl_RX Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_WST Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_LuiControls Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_JujiboUtils Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_PowerPDF Source (SVN 16-11-2012)
-Update pl_freespider Source (GIT 26-10-2012 ver 1.3.2)
-Update pl_Cindy Source (02-11-2012 ver 5.1.0)
-Update pl_Win_DirectX (to work correct with WinXP)
-Update pl_AsphyreSphinx (to work correct with WinXP)
-Update pl_ORCA (to work correct with WinXP)
-Update pl_ExSystem
-Update pl_ExtentIDE (registration of Big-IDE new tools)
NOTE: Lazarus 1.1.0 Source from SVN 16-11-2012 Rev 39290
FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 16-11-2012 Rev 23001

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